What did Dillon Danis say about Joe Rogan? MMA fighter gets hit by community note after taking swipe

Publish date: 2024-08-19


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The highly anticipated brawl between Dillon Danis and Logan Paul on October 14th left fans with mixed feelings about the outcome. In What did Dillon Danis say about Joe Rogan? MMA fighter gets hit by community note after taking swipe at podcast host, we delve into the intense build-up, the fight itself, and the aftermath that followed.

Months of anticipation, social media hype, and legal disputes led to the showdown between former UFC fighter Dillon Danis and social media sensation Logan Paul. As the fight unfolded, it became clear that Logan Paul had the upper hand, leaving Danis struggling to make a significant impact. Despite his self-congratulatory tone on social media, many criticized Danis for his lackluster performance and inflated sense of accomplishment.

Following the fight, Danis’s post-fight comments on social media, including a swipe at Joe Rogan, sparked a backlash. Twitter users quickly debunked his claim, highlighting that Rogan had never compared their fighting skills but merely noted their involvement in influencer fights for monetary gain. The online response to Danis’s post was far from sympathetic, with many questioning his pride in a performance that saw him out-struck 80-9.

Looking ahead, Danis’s future in the world of mixed martial arts remains uncertain. While he has been praised for his trolling skills, his exaggerated sense of achievement and continued trash-talking may have damaged his reputation and future opportunities. As both fighters move forward, it remains to be seen whether Danis will learn from this experience or continue down the path of controversial self-promotion. And for Joe Rogan, the misplaced comparison is unlikely to be forgotten anytime soon.

The Dillon Danis vs. Logan Paul Brawl

The highly anticipated brawl between Dillon Danis and Logan Paul captivated audiences with months of anticipation, social media hype, and legal disputes.

Anticipation and Hype

Leading up to the fight, the clash between a former UFC fighter and a social media sensation generated immense excitement. Fans eagerly awaited the showdown, fueled by relentless trash talk and a heated rivalry between the two fighters.

Logan Paul Emerges Victorious

In the end, it was Logan Paul who emerged as the victor, leaving Dillon Danis struggling to make a significant impact on the fight. Despite Danis’s background as a skilled former jiu-jitsu world champion, he found himself struggling to land meaningful punches throughout the match. By the end of four rounds, he had only managed to connect with nine punches. The stark difference in their fighting skills was evident when Danis even threw himself to the ground, almost inviting Logan Paul to grapple with him.

Mixed Feelings about the Outcome

The fight’s outcome left many fans with mixed feelings. While some were satisfied with Logan Paul’s victory, others were disappointed by Dillon Danis’s lackluster performance. Danis’s decision to take a victory lap on social media, asserting that he performed better than expected by not getting knocked out and going the distance, received criticism. Many questioned his seemingly inflated sense of accomplishment and labeled his actions as shameless.

Despite the online backlash, Dillon Danis remains a polarizing figure in the world of mixed martial arts. However, his chances of securing an invitation to the Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast may have diminished after this performance. Joe Rogan, who had previously praised Danis for his trolling skills in the buildup to the fight, is unlikely to forget the misplaced comparison between Danis and Ben Askren anytime soon.

As both fighters move forward, it remains to be seen whether Dillon Danis will learn from this experience or continue down the path of controversial self-promotion. The bout between Danis and Logan Paul was more than just a fight; it was a clash of egos and a spectacle for social media audiences.

Dillon Danis’s Struggles in the Fight

Dillon Danis faced several challenges during his bout against Logan Paul, which ultimately led to his defeat.

Lack of Impactful Punches

Throughout the fight, Danis struggled to land impactful punches on his opponent. Despite his background as a skilled former jiu-jitsu world champion, he found it difficult to connect with significant strikes. By the end of the match, Danis had only managed to land a total of nine punches, which paled in comparison to Logan Paul’s 80 strikes.

Difference in Fighting Skills

The fight highlighted a stark difference in fighting skills between Dillon Danis and Logan Paul. While Danis possessed a strong grappling background, he struggled to showcase his abilities in the ring. At one point, he even resorted to throwing himself to the ground, a move that demonstrated the disparity in their fighting techniques. Logan Paul’s superior striking and overall skill set proved to be a significant challenge for Danis throughout the match.

Danis’s Controversial Post-Fight Comments

Following the fight, Dillon Danis made controversial comments on social media, which further fueled the backlash against him. Despite his clear defeat, Danis took a self-congratulatory tone, asserting that he performed better than expected by not getting knocked out and going the distance. However, many criticized his comments, viewing them as an attempt to downplay his lackluster performance and inflate his sense of accomplishment. The online response to his post-fight celebration was far from sympathetic, with users questioning his pride in a fight that saw him out-struck by a significant margin.

Overall, Dillon Danis’s struggles in the fight, including his inability to land impactful punches and the disparity in fighting skills, contributed to his defeat. His controversial post-fight comments only added to the criticism he faced from fans and further questioned his performance in the ring.

Backlash and Criticism on Social Media

The aftermath of the Dillon Danis vs. Logan Paul fight saw a wave of backlash and criticism on social media platforms.

Twitter Response to Danis’s Comments

Twitter users were quick to respond to Dillon Danis’s post-fight comments, particularly his swipe at Joe Rogan. Many users debunked Danis’s claim, clarifying that Joe Rogan had never made a comparison of their fighting skills but had merely noted their participation in influencer fights for monetary gain. This response highlighted the importance of fact-checking and the potential consequences of making false claims on social media.

Criticism of Danis’s Performance and Pride

Dillon Danis faced significant criticism for his lackluster performance in the fight and his seemingly inflated sense of pride. Fans and social media users questioned his celebration and self-congratulatory tone, considering the vast difference in strikes between him and Logan Paul. Many labeled his actions as shameless and advised him to step away from the spotlight to avoid further embarrassment.

The backlash and criticism on social media served as a reminder of the power and influence of online platforms. It showcased how quickly opinions can spread and how individuals can face consequences for their actions and statements. Dillon Danis’s post-fight comments and performance were scrutinized by a wide audience, leading to a significant backlash and questioning of his credibility in the world of combat sports.

The Future for Dillon Danis and Joe Rogan

The outcome of the Dillon Danis vs. Logan Paul fight has implications for both Dillon Danis and his potential future opportunities, including a possible invitation to the Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast.

Impact on Danis’s Reputation and Opportunities

Dillon Danis’s loss and his controversial post-fight comments have had a significant impact on his reputation within the world of combat sports. While he remains a polarizing figure, his lackluster performance and inflated sense of accomplishment have drawn criticism from fans and social media users. This may affect his future opportunities, as promoters and organizations may be hesitant to book him for high-profile fights or events.

Unlikely Invitation to Joe Rogan Experience Podcast

Joe Rogan, a prominent figure in the MMA community, has previously praised Dillon Danis for his trolling skills leading up to the fight. However, after Danis’s performance and his misplaced comparison to Ben Askren, it is unlikely that his chances of securing an invitation to the Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast have improved. The controversy surrounding Danis’s actions and comments may have damaged his relationship with Rogan and hindered any potential future collaborations.

As both Dillon Danis and Joe Rogan move forward, it remains to be seen how their respective paths will unfold. Danis will need to reflect on his performance and the backlash he received, considering whether he will learn from this experience or continue down the path of controversial self-promotion. Meanwhile, Joe Rogan will likely remember the misplaced comparison and may be more cautious in his future interactions with Danis.


The Dillon Danis vs. Logan Paul fight was more than just a physical clash; it was a battle of egos and a spectacle for social media audiences. The intense build-up, months of anticipation, and legal disputes created a heightened sense of excitement surrounding the event.

A Clash of Egos and Social Media Spectacle

The fight between Dillon Danis and Logan Paul showcased the power of social media in generating hype and shaping public opinion. The relentless trash talk and rivalry between the two fighters fueled the anticipation and engagement of fans. It became a spectacle that captivated audiences and generated extensive discussions online.

Lessons for Danis and Rogan’s Unforgettable Comparison

The fight and its aftermath provided valuable lessons for both Dillon Danis and Joe Rogan. Danis learned the importance of delivering a strong performance and managing post-fight comments with humility. His controversial remarks and inflated sense of accomplishment drew criticism and may have damaged his reputation and future opportunities.

Joe Rogan, on the other hand, experienced the consequences of making a misplaced comparison. His previous praise for Danis’s trolling skills was overshadowed by the backlash and the need for clarification regarding his comments. This serves as a reminder of the impact of words and the importance of accuracy in public statements.

As the dust settles from the fight, both Dillon Danis and Joe Rogan will need to reflect on their roles in the event and consider how they can grow and learn from the experience. The world of combat sports and social media will continue to evolve, and it remains to be seen how these individuals will navigate future opportunities and challenges.

The highly anticipated brawl between Dillon Danis and Logan Paul took place on October 14, with Logan Paul emerging as the victor. Despite the intense build-up and trash talk, Danis struggled to make a significant impact on the fight, landing only nine punches throughout the match. After the defeat, Danis took to social media to celebrate his performance, but faced backlash for his lackluster showing. His swipe at Joe Rogan was quickly debunked by Twitter users, further adding to the criticism. The future for Danis in the world of combat sports remains uncertain, as his controversial self-promotion may have damaged his reputation and future opportunities. As for Joe Rogan, the misplaced comparison is unlikely to be forgotten.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who won the brawl between Dillon Danis and Logan Paul?

Logan Paul emerged as the winner of the brawl between Dillon Danis and himself.

How many punches did Dillon Danis land during the fight?

Dillon Danis managed to connect only nine punches throughout the match.

What was the reaction to Dillon Danis’s post-fight comments on social media?

Dillon Danis faced backlash on social media for his post-fight comments, with many criticizing his lackluster performance and inflated sense of accomplishment.

Did Joe Rogan compare Dillon Danis to Ben Askren?

No, Joe Rogan did not compare Dillon Danis to Ben Askren in terms of their fighting skills. He only noted that both had ventured into influencer fights for monetary gain.

Will Dillon Danis’s performance affect his chances of appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast?

Dillon Danis’s chances of securing an invitation to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast are unlikely to improve after his performance and controversial self-promotion.
