Candy Spelling sends snotty letter to daughter Tori through TMZ

Publish date: 2024-08-09

Candy Spelling is at it again! Candy has been taking issue publicly with everything about her daughter Tori for years now. It got a lot worse when Tori wrote her autobiography, which included some slightly harsh remembrances of her mother. It escalated further and further over the past few years, to the point where Candy has never met her granddaughter (Tori’s daughter) Stella. I honestly can’t remember all of the nasty stuff that’s gone with the Spelling family, but one of the worst incidents, in my mind, was when Candy basically said Tori killed her father. That kind of made me Team Tori for life. But even if that hadn’t happened, this would surely do the trick. It seems Candy decided to write an “open letter” to Tori, and gave it to TMZ to publish:


I Know many middle-aged people have issues about their parents and their upbringing. I did. My memories didn’t match all those of my mother, and, funny thing, it’s the same way with my daughter.

Life has consequences. What you say is on the record. Other people have feelings.

I have a vested interest in this subject. My daughter, Tori’s, two-part season finale revolves around my granddaughter’s first birthday party and how she has made what seems like an agonizing decision to invite me.

Cue music. Cue sideways glaces. Cue [sic] Lights.

I did get an invitation just in time for the RSVP deadline. I’m sure its delivery will be on next week’s episode with some comment about my house or driveway or street or something they won’t like. I wonder if that will be spread out over one part or two. Sigh.

A big party wasn’t how I envisioned meeting my granddaughter for the first time; but, hey, this is Hollywood, and my grandchildren have become reality show props, too. At the time I emailed “yes,” I didn’t realize I was being set up for a two-parter, even though it was clear I was being invited to be part of a segment for my daughter’s reality show.

Spoiler alert. Don’t read this if you plan to sit through an hour of people looking at their watches and saying “she’s late.” I decided my first meeting with my granddaughter should be on home video, not primetime cable; so I emailed that i would not be attending.

Back to other reality stars. My husband taught me that the plots have to be fresh and updated. The same old whining gets tired after a while. Enough complaining about what may or may not have happened during first grade or YMCA camp, or what vegetable you were forced to endure, especially when you are privileged enough to be on TV and get paid for it.

For all the reality show personalities, please remember that real life doesn’t get edited to make things better or worse or get better ratings. You’re responsible for what you do. Life isn’t just a show. And your families can’t just be props. Make your own season finale without creating conflicts you will regret later.

[From TMZ]

“My husband taught me that the plots have to be fresh and update,” Candy writes as she bitches and moans about all of the same old crap. Tori didn’t fall far from that tree, did she? I’m saying that even though I, Team Tori – do think it’s a little gross that Tori and Dean let their kids be such a big part of the show. But I’ve also watched the show, and they seem like great, involved parents. Unlike, say, the Gosselins or whatever. Or Candy Spelling. Because at the end of the day, I kind of think that if a woman really wanted to see her granddaughter for the first time, there would be nothing that could stop her. Not even some cameras, old plotlines or bad back-lighting.

Tori Spelling and her family are shown out in Malibu on 7/26/09. Candy Spelling is shown at the ESPY Awards on 7/15/09 and shopping on 4/15/09. Credit: Fame Pictures
